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The Surrogacy Journey-Step by Step 



The steps below are generalized and we offer services that fit your individualized needs. We encourage you to call us for full details and how we can meet your unique requests. 

  • Starting the Process

Complete the questionnaire and required sceenings. Screening includes back ground check, infectious disease panal , and mental health evaluation. Once the agency receives the above listed information along with the retainer fee then you are ready to move forward.

  • Matching

Our surrogates profile will be available to you right away. Our goal is to try and find a surrogate that is most compatible and best fit to your satisfaction.  Once you select a surrogate to work with the next step is a personable video call to get to know one another a litte better. *Please note we can not guarantee immediate match and a match can take anywhere from one-two months or longer in some cases, however we try to match sooner.  

  • Legal

Legal is the most important part of the surrogacy journey. C2 Surrogacy will assist with recommendations to an experienced Reproductive Law Attorney. Both the surrogate and the intended parents will have separate representation to avoid any conflict. 

 Here are some important points to consider in a surrogacy contract:

-All parties agree to screening and independent legal representation.

-All parties must waive a right to medical confidentiality

-Fetus loss must be addressed. Selective reduction, miscarriage, and termination.

-Number of embryo's that will be transferred.

-Who will take responsibility of the newborn if  tragedy happens with the intended parent.

The attorney will discuss with you in detail the full contract to assure you understand the legality of surrogacy. 

  • Funding Escrow

The escrow account will be chosen by the agency, we work with reputable escrow companies that will manage the funds for the surrogate throughout the surrogacy journey .

 we can discuss other payment security to assure the surrogate will be compensated throughout the journey. Escrow account will need to be fully funded prior to transfer. *(please note we may ask additional funding if issues arise with your surrgate) Escrow must remain open for 3-6 months post birth.

  • Preparing for Transfer

The surrogate will go for transfer at the intended parents chosen IVF clinic. Strong communication from the agency will be beneficial as we know this can be a stressful moment knowing if your surrogate has become pregnant. We will guide you with support throughout this time.

  • Two week wait

 12 to 14 days after transfer the surrogate will have beta hCG blood test , if positive  then around the sixth week of pregnancy a ultrasound will be used to confirm fetal heartbeat.


  • Pregnancy

The IVF clinic will continue to monitor your surrogate for the next 8 to 11 weeks, after she will be released to her own obstetrician for continued care.  

Once your surrogate is cleared and released to her own OB she will be treated just like any normal, pregnant woman with several OB appointments throughout the pregnancy.

You and your surrogate will have a walk through at the local hospital near where your surrogate resides. 

You and your surrogate will discuss issues like who will be in the delivery room, will she pump breast milk for your baby, what types of contact will you all have after the birth. C2 Surrogacy is here to answer any questions you may have and guide you through the entire process. 

After the birth we will continue to support you and your surrogate to assure All bills are paid prior to the closure of escrow. 

Congratulations on your new arrival!!! We love pictures





About us

C2 Surrogacy has been established to meet the needs of Intended Parents and Surrogates. Contact us for full details on our matching and relationship management services.

Contact us
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C2 Surrogacy, LLC
3430 East Russell Road, Ste 301
Las Vegas, NV 89120
Ph: (702)820-2779
Fax: (702)820-2780

The information, facts, and opinion provided by C2Surrogacy, LLC are not to be interpreted for legal, medical, or mental health advice. Always consult a medical professional for any medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult an attorney for any legal advice or services regarding your unique surrogacy situation. The information shared by any staff of C2Surrogacy is offered for educational gain only and may not be relied upon for your personal medical or legal situation.