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C2 will always provide Commitment and Compassion



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C2 will always provide Commitment and Compassion throughout your entire surrogacy journey 

Welcome to C2 Surrogacy, LLC! 

Our surrogacy agency represents clients throughout the state of Nevada and other surrogacy-friendly states. In addition, we are pleased to announce that we also have the resources to facilitate surrogacy services internationally.

C2 Surrogacy was formed to introduce and match intended parents with potential surrogates. Our agency offers unique and personable support and care to all of our clients. We have combined our expertiese with compassion and commitment, which always will be the C2 way!

As you read through our website you may feel a bit overwhelmed, but please know that you are not alone, and our dedicated and supportive staff are always available to discuss any questions or concerns you may have regarding the surrogacy process. Please visit our contact page for additional information including our e-mail address and phone number. We will be happy to set up a free consultation to introduce you to our C2 family and show you how we can support you throughout your surrogacy journey. 

Thank you for visiting our web site and we look forward to hearing from you soon! 

About us

C2 Surrogacy has been established to meet the needs of Intended Parents and Surrogates. Contact us for full details on our matching and relationship management services.

Contact us
email usour facebook page
C2 Surrogacy, LLC
3430 East Russell Road, Ste 301
Las Vegas, NV 89120
Ph: (702)820-2779
Fax: (702)820-2780

The information, facts, and opinion provided by C2Surrogacy, LLC are not to be interpreted for legal, medical, or mental health advice. Always consult a medical professional for any medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult an attorney for any legal advice or services regarding your unique surrogacy situation. The information shared by any staff of C2Surrogacy is offered for educational gain only and may not be relied upon for your personal medical or legal situation.