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Frequently asked questions

Although we answer the most frequently asked questions here, you are always welcomed to contact us with your questions and concerns!


Your  Questions Answered  Here!
  • How long will it take to match me with my surrogate or intended parents?
    For a match to happen every detail is considered such as age, martial status, background checks, BMI, previous births and state. For the intended parents and the surrogate every match is tailored to suit both parties needs. To assure we achieve that goal many steps are taken before a match can start. The surrogate would need to submit the necessary documentations and pictures along with medical records. The time frame for becoming available for review depends on how quickly the surrogate can complete the administration process. Unfortunately a quick match is not always guaranteed, but we typically try our best to match within 1-2 months.

  • When will the base compensation start for surrogates?
    After a positive HCG level, an ultrasound is used to detect the heartbeat of the fetus. The ultrasound is usually done in the sixth week of pregnancy The surrogate can expect their compensation on the first of the month following the ultrasound.

  • Do you work with all intended parents, whether they are single, married, gay or LGBTQ?
    Yes, We are happy to assist any intended parent on the path toward building their family. While the process is no different for same sex couples, there are unique considerations to take into account such as: - Deciding who will be genetically related to the child? or think about the option of a biological connection. -Choose a donor whether its someone you know or completely anonymous? There are many unique options we can discuss to fulfill your dream as a parent.

  • Can I choose my own OBGYN?
    Yes. As a surrogate we want you to feel as comfortable as possible throughout your pregnancy therefore you can continue to see your own OBGYN and or choose one that is favorable to best fit your care needs.

  • Do I have my own attorney to review my surrogacy contracts?
    Yes, In order to protect both the intended parents and the surrogate an attorney's expertise is needed. Both the surrogate and the intended parents will have their own attorney to go over the process. Your independent attorney will make sure that the surrogacy is ethical and legal in your state. C2 will work with you to assure you have the best reproductive attorney possible.

  • What happens if we need to be matched with a second carrier?
    Sometimes, there is a need for the intended parents to be rematched. An exception will be made in this case if the carrier develops a medical problem and she can no longer continue. The intended parents will be rematched with no additional cost to them.

  • Do Intended Parents need background checks?
    Yes, just like our surrogates the intended parents will need to submit to a background check we want to make sure the newborn babies are going to a good home.

  • What happens if we don't become pregnant?
    If you don't get pregnant the first time the intended parent and surrogate have the option to continue with each other for another cycle . Sometimes a surrogate may need to go through a couple of cycles to get pregnant so we recommend the intended parent be patient and try again with the same surrogate. three try attempts is the max before we will rematch with another surrogate. We do not charge a re-match fee in this case.

  • Does Nevada have surrogacy-friendly insurance plans?
    Yes. Nevada is a growing State for Surrogacy which means many insurance options are now available best to suit the need for your surrogate.

  • Leading our business through the COVID-19 Pandemic
    We are all in this together, C2 Surrogacy takes a dynamic approach to identify ways to pivot and provide flexibility, empathy to changes that are needed for a solution. Our team makes every effort to support our intended parents and surrogates through this trying time.

About us

C2 Surrogacy has been established to meet the needs of Intended Parents and Surrogates. Contact us for full details on our matching and relationship management services.

Contact us
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C2 Surrogacy, LLC
3430 East Russell Road, Ste 301
Las Vegas, NV 89120
Ph: (702)820-2779
Fax: (702)820-2780

The information, facts, and opinion provided by C2Surrogacy, LLC are not to be interpreted for legal, medical, or mental health advice. Always consult a medical professional for any medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult an attorney for any legal advice or services regarding your unique surrogacy situation. The information shared by any staff of C2Surrogacy is offered for educational gain only and may not be relied upon for your personal medical or legal situation.